Ryan Lester, MPH

American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)

For the last 15 years, Ryan Lester, MPH, has served in public sector and non-profit executive leadership roles. Currently, Ryan serves as the Vice President, Education, Health of the Public and Science at the American Academy of Family Physicians. The learnings from this unique set of public, private and non-profit experiences has led to an approachable and effective leadership style.  


Educationally, he has a Bachelor’s of Science in Environmental Studies from the University of Kansas and a Master’s in Public Health (concentration in Public Health Administration) from the University of Kansas Medical Center. In addition, he plays an adjunct Professor role at Washburn University for Population Health. Past volunteer roles include Treasurer and President-Elect for the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors and the chair of the Olathe Housing Authority Board. 

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