HPV Announcements

2025 Cervical Cancer Webinar Flyer

Cancer Prevention and Early Detection for Community Health Centers Webinar Series

We are inviting partners to join the American Cancer Society, American Cancer Society National HPV Vaccination Roundtable , and American Cancer Society National Roundtable on Cervical Cancer on January 29th at 2pm EST for a webinar on Promising Practices to Increase Cervical Cancer Prevention and Screening. All are welcome to join this webinar.













HPV Awareness: Protecting Health, Saving Lives Facebook Live Event

Date: Thursday, January 16th

Duration: 1 Hour from 5:00 – 6pm ET


Program dedicated to raising awareness about Human Papillomavirus (HPV). This session aims to educate viewers about the risks associated with HPV, the importance of vaccination, early detection, and the ways to prevent related health complications, including preventable cancers. Panel also addresses the stigma and barriers associated with vaccinating young children.

Our expert panel, featuring healthcare professionals, survivors, and advocates, will share critical insights, debunk common myths surrounding HPV. Together, we’ll empower individuals to make informed decisions about their health and that of their loved ones.


Target Audience: This program targets parents, grandparents, practitioners as well as anyone interested in understanding how to protect themselves, their families and their patients from HPV and its associated risks. By the end of this live session, audience members will walk away with practical knowledge, inspiring stories, and a renewed commitment to prioritize preventive healthcare.




The Global Cancer Prevention team has released the 2023 Global Cancer Prevention Impact Report. Their vision is to eliminate preventable cancers through high impact cancer prevention initiatives, with a particular focus on in lower- and middle-income countries (LMICs) where cancer mortality rates is highest. Through the Global HPV Cancer Free initiative, in collaboration with their supporters and numerous peers and partners worldwide, they aspire to create a world free of HPV cancers, starting with cervical cancer.


National HPV Conference 2025


The goal of this inaugural conference is to invite all U.S. professionals working in the HPV space to come together in an effort to learn and share. While many conferences strive to include HPV as one of many topics, this conference seeks to make HPV the main topic. Attendees will enjoy learning and connecting with peers, while forming new ideas and partnerships to make their own HPV-related efforts stronger.


Together, we can strive to eliminate HPV-related diseases and cancers in the U.S.


Join the inaugural Rural HPV Vaccination Learning Community starting mid-March.


Research shows that rural communities lag 10% behind the national average for HPV vaccination. And HPV vaccination underperforms compared to other ACIP recommended vaccines, including Tdap and MenACWY. Therefore, we are seeking rural healthcare partners to join a learning community focused on improving HPV vaccination among 9–12-year-olds.


Through a series of virtual sessions and peer-based learning, the rural disparities HPV vaccination learning community will use quality improvement (QI) and evidence-based interventions to increase vaccine rates. This no-cost, practical how-to model will serve as a forum for health partners to gain knowledge, exchange promising practices, and talk through challenges to increasing HPV vaccinations in rural settings.


The American Cancer Society’s Global HPV Cancer Free program, along with partners in India and Kenya, is excited to share new tools and resources. These resources support organizations in higher-burden, lower-resourced communities to engage health care professionals to increase HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccination coverage among adolescent girls and stop cervical cancer before it even starts.


We invite you to explore PreventGlobalHPVcancers.org and share it with your global health networks. We have created images and messages for you to easily share in the Partner Launch Toolkit.

Read the New Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics Collection – HPV Vaccination Starting at Age 9

Read NEW evidence recently published on the impact of initiating HPV vaccination at ages 9-10, including population studies, quality improvement projects, brief reports and commentaries from experts in the field.

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